It is incredible how nowadays most information can be accessed by simply clicking on a button. This is thrilling (especially for nerds like us!), but the amount of content that we have access to can become overwhelming at times. To learn new things, it is not sufficient to just collect and store the information, since computers can do it better than humans. The most important part is activating the information and using our critical thinking skills to determine how to use it smartly.

At Pixel Research Lab we create a KWL+N (Know-Wonder-Learned+Next) for each new project, lecture, talk, etc. in order to organize the collective knowledge and determine what will be done with the information obtained.
“A KWL Chart is a learning tool that helps guide people through an educational session or reading. All KWL Charts containorganize the collective knowledge and determine what will be done with the information obtainedt you know. Then, record what you want to get out of your session. Last, you record what you have learned.” Miro, KWL Chart Template.
Before you attend a presentation, a conference, watch an interview, review a survey or participate in any other action where you will receive information:
👉 Draw four boxes. If you use Miro, try our board.
👉 In the first box, “Know”, make a list of everything you know about the topic, or at least what you think you know 😉.
👉 In the second box, "Wonder", add all the questions you have about the topic.
After you attended the presentation, conference, etc. go to the next boxes:
👉 In the third box, “Learned”, write down what you have learned about the topic.
👉 In the fourth box, “Next”, add the actions you will take based on the information you learnt.
👉 If you work in a team, vote the ideas and develop a plan of action!
It is important to have the right tools to achieve a continuous learning mindset and develop critical thinking skills. This has been one of our most valuable learnings from the past years, especially in the last months on uncertainty. 🧑🏻🏫 We need to learn how to learn. 👩🏻🔬
Did you like what you read? Do you want to have more information or do you need to answer any questions? 🤓 Contact us.
We will be happy to meet you! 🎉